Thursday, June 30, 2011

Garden update

Well....most of our garden is still alive. YAY! We lost 3 of 4 squash plants, about a quarter of our peas, and almost lost our lone jalapeno plant before it somehow made a comeback. 
Everything else is looking great!
These pictures are from 6-24-11.
Hot banana peppers. And my husband's wedding ring. Flo...your thoughts? ;)

Our one cayenne pepper.

Lots of banana peppers.

My hot gardener.


Green beans



  1. Very impressive garden! Mostly I'm impressed that you could recognize all the plants. I have no clue. You treat that cayenne pepper like a king since it's the only one left! :)

  2. how you whistle on the internet? bc between that ring and his hot better watch your back Diesel.

    garden looks great! i can't wait to see it.
